Premier Performing Arts, PPA, seeks the highest level of artistic achievement by producing first-class professional musical theatre, a uniquely American art form.
PPA was created to provide much needed employment to the unemployed and underemployed theatrical community. Though the trained labor force exists, the work is not available or is inaccessible. Our goal is to create and develop a theatre home where early career professionals and seasoned professionals can come together and hone their talents in their chosen field of theatre arts.
PPA will introduce first time theatre-goers and reintroduce previous patrons to live theatre. With the presence of PPA in the Westchester community, families will have the opportunity to experience the best of Broadway without the long drives, long lines and increasingly high costs. We seek to make a visit to the theater affordable and accessible to all, especially lower income families and seniors.
Along with the classic Broadway musical, PPA desires to create and develop new works with the hope of a future life in the professional theatre world.
In addition, PPA will present theatre for young audiences as well as outreach programs that educate, challenge and inspire a life long love for the arts.
The company aspires to becoming an important weave in the fabric of the Westchester community.